Goodlooking safety net for kids

My son is 5 and very active. I have an entresol where he likes to play with his friends. I was looking for a safe yet attractive way to keep them from being able to trip and fall. The solution was this safety net of woven rope. It keeps the entresol airy and the kids safe.


Safety net; functional and attractive

My son can hang on 1 piece of of rope attached to 1 hook (weight-wise). He could run into this safetynet without any problem. A safety net that does what it should and adds something to the look of the house itself.


Rope and eye hooks

safety net, railing, open staircase

Custom design

I make a sketch and a plan on  the computer first. To calculate how much rope, distance and hooks I need.  At that point I can tell you the price for an installation like this. If this was a custom design assignment I would charge €200 for the idea, the sketch and the calculation. At this point you can say yes or no. The price includes installation and design. The first meeting is for free. Contact me to discuss any sort of interior issue.


Open staircase, similar solution

This was the open staircase leading to the entresol. A different kind of safety net was needed here. These aluminium tubes provide railing and a safety net at the same time.


I love inventing practical and attractive solutions.